Resolvi realizar pesquisas diferentes e trago hoje, diferentes personagens do mundo e notícias.
Espero que apreciem meus trabalhos de pesquisas.
Naly de Araújo Leite
Dear Readers,
I decided to do different searches and I bring today, different characters from the world and news.
I hope you enjoy my research papers.
Naly de Araújo Leite
عزيزي القارئ ،
قررت القيام بعمليات بحث مختلفة وأحضر اليوم شخصيات مختلفة من العالم والأخبار.
آمل أن تستمتع بأوراق بحثي.
نالي دي أراوجو ليتي
Naly de Araújo Leite
Exército da Terra do Planeta Nada de estranhos rastros apenas 😒😒😒😣😣😣 #weatherprogram #aluminium #barium
Linda arma Majestade, Prince Mohammed Binsalman. Beautiful weapon Majesty, Prince Mohammed BinsalmanEUA
targetedindividualdcAny of you #targetedindividuals get #dueprocess ??????? Must be nice to use the law to protect yourself but have the option to ignore it when it comes to citizens. #FuckTheSystem
targetindividualdcQualquer de você #targetedindividuals get #dueprocess ??????? Deve ser bom usar a lei para se proteger, mas tem a opção de ignorá-la quando se trata de cidadãos. #FuckTheSystem
agendasorocaba THE SWAMP IS OPEN! 🙃😀 The "Shrek" attraction continues at the South Wing Events Square (Votorantim) of the Iguatemi Esplanade until 07/10. Admission is free! In this attraction, the character invites children up to the age of 13 to participate in a real gymkhana with obstacles and many challenges. 📸 Slide and see more pictures! ⠀agendasorocaba - NOVIDADE! @Fabricabar launched its special happy hour "Recarga do Fábrica", with drinks and portions at will for R $ 49,90 (per person). The special takes place every Wednesday, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. What's up? (I.e.(I.e.
In the happy hour menu: termite cake, fries, madioca, polenta, kibe, calabresa, plus long neck beer, wine, soda, among other options!(I.e.
The Fábrica Bar (Av. Américo de Carvalho, 896 - Jd. Europe) has ample space divided in two environments: external area for smokers and main hall with several games (snooker, foosball, arcades). 📸 Slide and check out more
Duquesa Megan
This evening, The Duchess of Sussex attended the opening of a new exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art in London. ‘Oceania’ celebrates the art of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, encompassing the vast Pacific region including New Guinea, Easter Island, Hawaii and New Zealand.
Esta noite, a Duquesa de Sussex assistiu à abertura de uma nova exposição na Royal Academy of Art, em Londres. A "Oceania" celebra a arte da Melanésia, Micronésia e Polinésia, abrangendo a vasta região do Pacífico, incluindo Nova Guiné, Ilha de Páscoa, Havaí e Nova Zelândia. noite, a Duquesa de Sussex assistiu à abertura de uma nova exposição na Royal Academy of Art, em Londres. A "Oceania" celebra a arte da Melanésia, Micronésia e Polinésia, abrangendo a vasta região do Pacífico, incluindo Nova Guiné, Ilha de Páscoa, Havaí e Nova Zelândia.
_duchess_of_sussexDurante o tour de @royalacademy, Meghan viu a arte da Nova Zelândia, Fiji, o Reino de Tonga e a Austrália
Meghan chegou ao seu primeiro compromisso solo como real, participando da abertura da Oceania - a primeira grande pesquisa de arte oceânica realizada no Reino Unido - na @RoyalAcademy of Art. Apropriadamente, é um dos patrocínios da Rainha. Talvez um a rainha possa passar para Meghan no futuro
Meghan chegou ao seu primeiro compromisso solo como real, participando da abertura da Oceania - a primeira grande pesquisa de arte oceânica realizada no Reino Unido - na @RoyalAcademy of Art. Apropriadamente, é um dos patrocínios da Rainha. Talvez um a rainha possa passar para Meghan no futuro
president_vladimir_putinA segunda reunião trilateral dos chefes de estado, os garantes do processo de Astana para facilitar o acordo de paz sírio, foi realizada em Ancara.O presidente da Turquia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, e o presidente do Irã, Hassan Rouhani, realizaram-se no Palácio Presidencial.
Em Ancara, foi realizada a Segunda Reunião Tripartida dos Chefes de Estado, os garantes do Processo Astana para a Promoção da Solução Síria.
A reunião do presidente russo Vladimir Putin, do presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan e do presidente iraniano Hassan Ruhani foi realizada no palácio do presidente turco.
President_Vladimir_putinVladimir Putin se reuniu com o presidente do Comitê de Investigação Alexander Bastrykin e Veronika Skvortsova, ministro da Saúde.
Participantes na reunião relataram ao chefe de estado sobre a investigação sobre as causas do incêndio no shopping em Kemerovo.
Vladimir Putin se reuniu com o presidente do Comitê de Investigação, Alexander Bastrykin, e com a ministra da Saúde, Veronika Skvortsova.
Os participantes da reunião informaram ao chefe de Estado sobre o andamento da investigação das causas do incêndio no complexo comercial e de entretenimento em Kemerovo, o procedimento para identificar as vítimas e as medidas para ajudar as vítimas.
SAAD HARIRI - O reino sob a liderança do Guardião das Duas Mesquitas Sagradas, o rei Salman bin Abdul Aziz e o príncipe herdeiro conseguiu harmonizar a continuação de prover os meios de avanço e progresso e as necessidades do povo saudita em todos os níveis, além de enfrentar uma série de desafios e ameaças experimentados interna e externamente. Em face deles e imunizar o Reino contra essas ameaças e manter seu papel de liderança efetiva na região e no mundo.Saad El-Din Rafik Al-Hariri é um político líbano-saudita que serviu como primeiro-ministro do Líbano em duas ocasiões. Ele é filho do também ex primeiro-ministro Rafik Hariri, que foi assassinado em 2005. Hariri também tem sido líder do partido Movimento do Futuro desde a morte do pai. Saad El-Din Rafik Al-Hariri is a Lebanese-Saudi politician who served as Prime Minister of Lebanon on two occasions. He is the son of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated in 2005. Hariri has also been a leader of the Future Movement party since his father's death.
Ministro da Saúde Pública, Wael Abu Faour, abriu esta tarde o Centro
Infantil Carlos Slim no Hospital Karantina durante uma cerimônia no
auditório do hospital, com a presença do membro do parlamento Nadim
Gemayel, representante da Metrópole de Beirute e seu assistente do
Metropolita Grego Elias Odeh, representante do Arcebispo de Beirute Dom
Boulios Matar, bispo maronita, representando Carlos Slim Ziad Hayek e o
Dr. Sami Helou, representantes dos líderes militares e de segurança,
médicos, enfermeiros e funcionários do Hospital dos Karantina.
O centro foi criado pela Fundação Carlos Slim, além da contribuição e apoio do Ministério da Saúde. Será operado sob acordos científicos com o Hospital Universitário St. Georges, a Universidade de Balamand e a Sociedade Assameh para oferecer tratamento a crianças doentes, especialmente as necessitadas.
Após o hino nacional, o presidente da Birth and Beyond Society, Dr. Robert Saasi, fez um discurso sobre o Projeto Infantil Carlos Slim. "Sua capacidade inclui 20 leitos para recém-nascidos. A capacidade pode ser estendida para 30 leitos. E equipado com as melhores máquinas e laboratórios, "ressaltando que o objetivo é" fornecer uma seção sofisticada para atender as crianças da melhor maneira, e aproveitar este serviço tão rico ".
Por sua parte, Hayek sublinhou que "se não fosse pelos esforços concertados deste projecto, que começou com uma simples cooperação entre o Dr. Sami Helou e o Dr. Robert Saasi, tornou-se um projecto real." Ele agradeceu Carlos Salim pelo Ministro da Saúde "pela sua aprovação da contribuição do Ministério para o projecto, .
observou "a importância do centro como resultado da parceria
público-privada, uma importante parceria para alcançar o desenvolvimento
necessário". Argamassa
"O Centro Infantil Carlos Slim representa um salto qualitativo nos
hospitais do governo porque inclui um acordo científico com o Hospital
Universitário St. Georges e com a Universidade de Balamand. Também
inclui um acordo com a Sociedade Assameh", disse ele. Trabalho e
qualidade no novo centro. "
"A doação da Fundação Carlos Slim foi fundamental no lançamento do
projeto", disse ele, "agradecendo ao Dr. Robert Saasi e a toda sua
equipe importante, que levou à incorporação do projeto e atenção a este
importante segmento do tecido da pátria.
Ele observou o papel desempenhado pelo Ministro da Saúde "para apoiar
projetos humanitários, sem o apoio absoluto que deu ao que começou a
trabalhar no Centro Infantil Carlos Slim", desejando que "esta abertura
seria um bom começo para o hospital e criança no Líbano". Abu Faour
Abu Faour expressou sua felicidade e orgulho pela preocupação do
Ministério da Saúde com o hospital, dizendo que "não recebeu atenção
suficiente e foi deliberadamente negligenciado por uma política na qual
os interesses se sobrepuseram à responsabilidade do Estado quando os
fundos estatais foram despejados em hospitais privados".
"Não somos hostis aos hospitais privados, mas é responsabilidade do
Estado fortalecer os hospitais do governo, mas, por mais que dinheiro
seja prestígio e poder", ele disse, "muitos políticos gaguejam com suas
línguas e mentes".
Ele destacou que "os hospitais privados recebem 80% dos 430 bilhões de
libras libanesas gastos pelo estado em hospitais". Ele destacou que "os
hospitais privados são importantes e necessários, mas os primeiros no
estado a cuidar dos hospitais do governo".
Ele agradeceu à "Fundação Salim e ao Sr. Carlos Selim, que é uma
bandeira da mídia libanesa e de todos os doadores, o que levou à
abertura deste centro, e este é um primeiro passo seguido de passos",
ressaltando que o centro deve ser desenvolvido.
Ele expressou seu agradecimento a todos os doadores e disse: "Nenhum
país serve seus cidadãos na base de mendicância. Se o Estado é
responsável por seus cidadãos, o centro deve ser desenvolvido porque o
Líbano está em extrema necessidade, já que nosso sistema médico não pode
mais absorver o crescente número de libaneses e sírios".
"Nosso sistema médico foi montado para medir o Líbano, mas o fluxo
massivo de sírios desalojados leva à morte de crianças libanesas e
sírias devido à falta de cuidados intensivos, especialmente em Akkar, no
norte e no Bekaa." Os funcionários do Ministério da Saúde às vezes
precisam passar dois ou três dias procurando a cama de uma criança. Como
a capacidade de absorver hospitais não é mais adequada às necessidades
crescentes, também temos a responsabilidade, no Ministério da Saúde, de
desenvolver este centro. "
Abu Fa'our pediu aos funcionários do hospital para "identificar o
desenvolvimento necessário do centro", e expressou "a disponibilidade do
ministério para fornecer apoio do teto financeiro para aumentar o
número de funcionários", esperando "retornar ao hospital Karantina com
funcionários do Conselho para o Desenvolvimento e Reconstrução para
lançar o estágio de restauração e estabelecimento do hospital, Oito
milhões de dólares após a conclusão dos preparativos entre o Ministério
da Saúde e o Conselho de Desenvolvimento e Reconstrução ".
Ele observou que "é uma vergonha e uma grande falha para o hospital
permanecer o mesmo", e desejava "avançar rapidamente para alcançar o
serviço desta região querida para o nosso país".
Ele elogiou a nova administração no hospital de Karantina, observando
seu trabalho, prometendo em frente ao hospital e aos funcionários que "o
ministério fornecerá todo o necessário para desenvolver seus
departamentos". No final da cerimônia, Abu Faour inspecionou as seções do Centro Infantil Carlos Slim.
Visite a loja de droga O Ministro da Saúde fez uma visita de campo ao Depto. De Drogas Central em Karantina, acompanhado pelo Vice-Representante do UNICEF no Líbano Luciano Calistini, pelo Oficial de Saúde e Nutrição do UNICEF Izzedine Zeroual e pelo Chefe do Departamento de Cuidados Primários do Ministério da Saúde, Randa Hamadeh. Abu Faour está inspecionando a recentemente melhorada série de resfriamento de vacinas da UNICEF no contexto da província do Líbano como a quinta nação do mundo a adotar uma cadeia modelo de manutenção de vacinas. A série inclui sete salas de refrigeração e uma sala de vacina, todas sujeitas a um sistema de monitoramento de temperatura que permite monitorar e controlar a mudança de temperatura e de qualquer lugar, garantindo a qualidade das vacinas oferecidas pelo ministério a todos os centros de saúde e clínicas do setor privado.
The Minister of Public Health, Wael Abu Faour, this afternoon opened the Carlos Slim Children's Center at Karantina Hospital during a ceremony in the hospital auditorium with the presence of parliamentary member Nadim Gemayel, representative of the Metropolis of Beirut and his assistant of Metropolitan Greek Elias Odeh, representative of the Archbishop of Beirut Bishop Boulios Matar, Maronite Bishop, representing Carlos Slim Ziad Hayek and Dr. Sami Helou, representatives of the military and security leaders, doctors, nurses and staff of Karantina Hospital.It will be operated under scientific agreements with St. Georges University Hospital, the University of Balamand and the Assameh Society to provide treatment to sick children, especially those in need .After the national anthem, the President of the Birth and Beyond Society, Dr. Robert Saasi, made a speech on the Carlos Slim Children's Project. "It is equipped with the best machines and laboratories," emphasizing that the goal is "to provide a sophisticated section to serve the children in the best way, and to enjoy this service so rich. "HayekFor his part, Hayek stressed that "had it not been for the concerted efforts of this project, which began with a simple cooperation between Dr. Sami Helou and Dr. Robert Saasi, it became a real project." He thanked Carlos Salim for the Minister of Health "for his approval of the Ministry 's contribution to the project,.
He noted "the importance of the center as a result of the public-private partnership, an important partnership to achieve the necessary development."Mortar"The Carlos Slim Children's Center represents a qualitative leap in government hospitals because it includes a scientific agreement with St. Georges University Hospital and Balamand University. It also includes an agreement with the Assameh Society," he said. Work and quality in the new center. ""The Carlos Slim Foundation donation was instrumental in launching the project," he said, "thanking Dr. Robert Saasi and all his important staff, who led to the incorporation of the project and attention to this important segment of the fabric of the country.He noted the role played by the Minister of Health "to support humanitarian projects without the full support he gave to those who started working at the Carlos Slim Children's Center", wishing that "this opening would be a good start for the hospital and child in Lebanon" .Abu FaourAbu Faour expressed his happiness and pride at the Ministry of Health's concern with the hospital, saying that it "did not receive sufficient attention and was deliberately neglected by a policy in which interests overlapped with the responsibility of the state when state funds were dumped in private hospitals "."We are not hostile to private hospitals, but it is the responsibility of the state to strengthen government hospitals, but no matter how much money is prestige and power," he said, "many politicians stutter with their tongues and minds."He noted that "private hospitals receive 80% of the 430 billion Lebanese pounds spent by the state in hospitals." He stressed that "private hospitals are important and necessary, but the first in the state to look after government hospitals."He thanked the "Salim Foundation and Mr. Carlos Selim, who is a banner of the Lebanese media and all donors, which led to the opening of this center, and this is a first step followed by steps," noting that the center should be developed.He expressed his gratitude to all donors and said, "No country serves its citizens on the basis of begging. If the state is responsible for its citizens, the center should be developed because Lebanon is in dire need, since our medical system does not can more absorb the growing number of Lebanese and Syrians. ""Our medical system was set up to measure Lebanon, but the massive flow of displaced Syrians leads to the deaths of Lebanese and Syrian children due to lack of intensive care, especially in Akkar in the north and Bekaa." Ministry of Health officials sometimes need to spend two or three days looking for a child's bed. As the capacity to absorb hospitals is no longer adequate to the increasing needs, we also have the responsibility in the Ministry of Health to develop this center. "Abu Fa'our asked the hospital staff to "identify the necessary development of the center," and expressed "the willingness of the ministry to provide financial ceiling support to increase the number of staff", hoping "to return to Karantina hospital with staff of the Council for Development and Reconstruction to launch the hospital restoration and establishment stage, Eight million dollars after completion of preparations
Visite a loja de droga O Ministro da Saúde fez uma visita de campo ao Depto. De Drogas Central em Karantina, acompanhado pelo Vice-Representante do UNICEF no Líbano Luciano Calistini, pelo Oficial de Saúde e Nutrição do UNICEF Izzedine Zeroual e pelo Chefe do Departamento de Cuidados Primários do Ministério da Saúde, Randa Hamadeh. Abu Faour está inspecionando a recentemente melhorada série de resfriamento de vacinas da UNICEF no contexto da província do Líbano como a quinta nação do mundo a adotar uma cadeia modelo de manutenção de vacinas. A série inclui sete salas de refrigeração e uma sala de vacina, todas sujeitas a um sistema de monitoramento de temperatura que permite monitorar e controlar a mudança de temperatura e de qualquer lugar, garantindo a qualidade das vacinas oferecidas pelo ministério a todos os centros de saúde e clínicas do setor privado.
The Minister of Public Health, Wael Abu Faour, this afternoon opened the Carlos Slim Children's Center at Karantina Hospital during a ceremony in the hospital auditorium with the presence of parliamentary member Nadim Gemayel, representative of the Metropolis of Beirut and his assistant of Metropolitan Greek Elias Odeh, representative of the Archbishop of Beirut Bishop Boulios Matar, Maronite Bishop, representing Carlos Slim Ziad Hayek and Dr. Sami Helou, representatives of the military and security leaders, doctors, nurses and staff of Karantina Hospital.It will be operated under scientific agreements with St. Georges University Hospital, the University of Balamand and the Assameh Society to provide treatment to sick children, especially those in need .After the national anthem, the President of the Birth and Beyond Society, Dr. Robert Saasi, made a speech on the Carlos Slim Children's Project. "It is equipped with the best machines and laboratories," emphasizing that the goal is "to provide a sophisticated section to serve the children in the best way, and to enjoy this service so rich. "HayekFor his part, Hayek stressed that "had it not been for the concerted efforts of this project, which began with a simple cooperation between Dr. Sami Helou and Dr. Robert Saasi, it became a real project." He thanked Carlos Salim for the Minister of Health "for his approval of the Ministry 's contribution to the project,.
He noted "the importance of the center as a result of the public-private partnership, an important partnership to achieve the necessary development."Mortar"The Carlos Slim Children's Center represents a qualitative leap in government hospitals because it includes a scientific agreement with St. Georges University Hospital and Balamand University. It also includes an agreement with the Assameh Society," he said. Work and quality in the new center. ""The Carlos Slim Foundation donation was instrumental in launching the project," he said, "thanking Dr. Robert Saasi and all his important staff, who led to the incorporation of the project and attention to this important segment of the fabric of the country.He noted the role played by the Minister of Health "to support humanitarian projects without the full support he gave to those who started working at the Carlos Slim Children's Center", wishing that "this opening would be a good start for the hospital and child in Lebanon" .Abu FaourAbu Faour expressed his happiness and pride at the Ministry of Health's concern with the hospital, saying that it "did not receive sufficient attention and was deliberately neglected by a policy in which interests overlapped with the responsibility of the state when state funds were dumped in private hospitals "."We are not hostile to private hospitals, but it is the responsibility of the state to strengthen government hospitals, but no matter how much money is prestige and power," he said, "many politicians stutter with their tongues and minds."He noted that "private hospitals receive 80% of the 430 billion Lebanese pounds spent by the state in hospitals." He stressed that "private hospitals are important and necessary, but the first in the state to look after government hospitals."He thanked the "Salim Foundation and Mr. Carlos Selim, who is a banner of the Lebanese media and all donors, which led to the opening of this center, and this is a first step followed by steps," noting that the center should be developed.He expressed his gratitude to all donors and said, "No country serves its citizens on the basis of begging. If the state is responsible for its citizens, the center should be developed because Lebanon is in dire need, since our medical system does not can more absorb the growing number of Lebanese and Syrians. ""Our medical system was set up to measure Lebanon, but the massive flow of displaced Syrians leads to the deaths of Lebanese and Syrian children due to lack of intensive care, especially in Akkar in the north and Bekaa." Ministry of Health officials sometimes need to spend two or three days looking for a child's bed. As the capacity to absorb hospitals is no longer adequate to the increasing needs, we also have the responsibility in the Ministry of Health to develop this center. "Abu Fa'our asked the hospital staff to "identify the necessary development of the center," and expressed "the willingness of the ministry to provide financial ceiling support to increase the number of staff", hoping "to return to Karantina hospital with staff of the Council for Development and Reconstruction to launch the hospital restoration and establishment stage, Eight million dollars after completion of preparations
About Carlos Slim Helu
Mandei o Ministro Coordenador da Política e Segurança coordenar as suas fileiras, o BNPB e o TNI, para levar a cabo o tratamento de emergência deste incidente: procurar as vítimas, evacuar e preparar as necessidades básicas necessárias, o mais rapidamente possível.
Desde a noite passada, eles foram para o local afetado pelo terremoto e pelo tsunami. Espero que hoje tenhamos informações mais detalhadas sobre as condições no campo.Eu e todos nós sentimos muito pela queda das vítimas após o terremoto e tsunami ocorridos em Sulawesi Central. Todas as pessoas, especialmente as de Donggala, Palu e arredores, permanecem calmas, mas também permanecem vigilantes.Oramos a Allah SWT, para que possamos passar por este desastre e o impacto que vamos resolver juntos.
jokowiAfter receiving news of an earthquake in Donggala, Palu City, and surrounding areas, yesterday afternoon, I contacted the Governor of Central Sulawesi by telephone. But failed. The communication connection to Palu is interrupted. Information I received from the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency, although not all of them.I have ordered the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security to coordinate his ranks, BNPB, and the TNI to carry out emergency handling of this incident: search for victims, evacuate, and prepare the basic needs needed, as soon as possible.Since last night, they have gone to the location affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Hopefully today we have got more detailed information about conditions in the field.I and all of us, are sorry for the fall of the victims after the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Central Sulawesi. All people, especially those in Donggala, Palu and surrounding areas, to remain calm but also remain vigilant.We pray to Allah SWT, so that we can go through this disaster and the impact we will solve together.
jokowi بعد تلقي الأخبار من وقوع زلزال في دونغغالا ، مدينة بالو ، والمناطق المحيطة بها ، بعد ظهر أمس ، اتصلت بحاكم سولاويزي الوسطى عبر الهاتف. لكن فشلت. تم قطع اتصال الاتصال إلى بالو. المعلومات التي تلقيتها من رئيس الوكالة الوطنية لإدارة الكوارث ، على الرغم من أنها ليست كلها.لقد أمرت الوزير المنسق للسياسة والأمن بتنسيق صفوفه ، BNPB ، و TNI للقيام بمعالجة الطوارئ لهذا الحادث: البحث عن الضحايا ، والإخلاء ، وإعداد الاحتياجات الأساسية اللازمة ، في أقرب وقت ممكن.منذ الليلة الماضية ، ذهبوا إلى الموقع المتضرر من الزلزال والتسونامي. نأمل اليوم أن نحصل على مزيد من المعلومات التفصيلية حول الظروف في هذا المجال.أنا وكلنا ، نأسف لسقوط الضحايا بعد الزلزال والتسونامي الذي وقع في وسط سولاويزي. جميع الناس ، لا سيما في دونغقالا وبالو والمناطق المحيطة بها ، يظلون هادئين ولكنهم يظلون يقظين.ندعو الله سبحانه وتعالى ، حتى نتمكن من المرور بهذه الكارثة والتأثير الذي سنحله معا.
jokowiSesaat setelah mendapat kabar terjadinya gempa bumi di Donggala, Kota Palu, dan sekitarnya, kemarin sore, saya menghubungi Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah melalui telepon. Tapi gagal. Sambungan komunikasi ke Palu terganggu. Informasi saya terima dari Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, meskipun belum semuanya.
Saya sudah memerintahkan Menkopolhukam untuk mengkoordinasikan jajarannya, BNPB, dan TNI untuk melakukan penanganan darurat atas peristiwa ini: melakukan pencarian korban, evakuasi, dan menyiapkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan dasar yang diperlukan, selekas mungkin.
Sejak semalam, mereka sudah menuju lokasi terdampak gempa dan tsunami. Semoga hari ini kita sudah mendapatkan informasi yang lebih rinci mengenai kondisi di lapangan.
Saya dan kita semua, ikut berduka cita atas jatuhnya korban setelah terjadinya gempa dan tsunami yang terjadi di Sulawesi Tengah ini. Seluruh masyarakat terutama yang berada di Donggala, Palu, dan sekitarnya agar tetap tenang tetapi juga tetap waspada.
Kita berdoa kepada Allah SWT, agar musibah ini dapat kita lalui dan dampaknya kita selesaikan bersama.
jokowi Perto da manhã, um terremoto que foi bastante forte sacudiu a região central de Sulawesi e sentiu a área circundante. Eu monitora e alerta todos os funcionários governamentais relevantes para enfrentar todas as possibilidades após o terremoto.Venha, ore por nossos irmãos e irmãs lá, espere permanecer calmo e em segurança.
jokowi Near the morning, an earthquake that was quite hard shook the Central Sulawesi region and felt to the surrounding area. I monitor and alert all relevant government officials to face all possibilities after the earthquake.Come on, pray for our brothers and sisters there, hope to stay calm and be safe.
مجموعة من الواقع العالمي - هل لديك إجابات لجميع هذه الأحداث التي وقعت عليها الدول الاتفاقية المتعلقة بالمناخ؟
National - Women in Lebanon constitute half of society, and their participation in economic and political life is timid, despite having reached a high degree in science, and the proportion of university women is comparable to that of men with university education. Women in our country continue to suffer from injustice and political injustice, so they have no role to play, and only by saying that their role is lacking in political life in Lebanon.What is the status of women in Lebanese society today? What challenges do they face and the rights they seek to achieve? Women are still stuck in social structures and stereotypes published by the media and because whenever we talk about women's rights, men require that the status of women's access to one of their rights diminishes men's rights or at their expense.The situation of Lebanese women needs a lot to be equal to the status of men in legislation and laws. There is a lot of injustice and marginalization of their rights, but the work is serious and persistent by women's associations and civil rights to ensure laws that discriminate against women. women. But there are many impurities, including not giving the Lebanese the nationality of their children if they marry non-Lebanese, their political representation is inadequate, and the male mentality still prevents women from being adequately represented and laws that should include a quota feminine The results of the parliamentary elections finally pointed to the need to establish a quota for women to represent women in Lebanese political life.Despite this, women participate in the third millennium in various fields of work, and this participation and freedom to choose their professional and family future resulted from the struggle and efforts of civil society organizations, civil societies and citizens to form a distinct and distinct image of their peers in the Arab countries.Women in politicsIn the parliamentary elections of 2018, which took place on 6 May, 6 women from various parliamentary blocs arrived at the seat of the parliament of 128 deputies, after having four deputies in the last parliament, in contrast, there is only one minister in the interim government headed by the first - Minister Responsible for Saad Hariri.The latest parliamentary elections registered the highest percentage of women's participation in the history of the Lebanese parliamentary elections, with 111 of the 976 candidates, but statistics indicate that Lebanon is in 143rd place among the 144 countries listed in the global ranking of women representation on councils elected. General decision-making positions.New lawsAs part of efforts to achieve equality between men and women in Lebanon, the Director-General of the Personal Status in the Ministry of the Interior has issued a decision allowing the divorced Lebanese woman to obtain a family declaration stating the names of her children.The adoption of this law comes in light of the continuing phenomenon of the death of women in Lebanon, noting that "the decision to allow divorced women to register the family register is a step towards improving the way women deal with legal issues," he said ."We have demanded that the law of personal status be civil and not sectarian, because sectarianism and sectarianism are biased for men and women are not entitled, so we call for a civil status law equal to men and women in all fields, especially in family matters. "Ogasebian MinisterThe Minister of State for Women Affairs of the interim government, Jean Oguasabian, stressed that "this circular is a fundamental link in establishing equality between men and women in the right to obtain official documents without any deficiency in their content, independently. civil status of Lebanese women ". More administrative rights for women. ""Women's participation in the Economic and Social Council will be 17%, which is a good thing," Ogasabian said. "Efforts continue to increase this percentage in all state institutions and reach the required quota of women in lower parliament."He said: "I have demanded and continue to demand the role of women in the Chamber of Deputies and I do not ask only because women are half of society numerically, but because of their capabilities and energies, and based on this we have in the ministry campaign with international agencies "."The development of rural areas is the basis for the economic independence of women," he said, adding that "full equality between men and women is achieved when women's economic independence is achieved.""Today's world looks at achievements, abilities and ambitions." More than 65 percent of university students are girls, and Lebanon has many successful women and doctors in different fields.
The Lebanese woman got her presence and imposed herself because she has the resources to do it. "National Commission for Lebanese Women The Lebanese National Commission for Women's Affairs is the official body responsible for working on the national strategy for women's rights, and its president, Ms. Claudine Aoun Roquez, noted that" projects listed to protect women's rights of women are many: the law giving women the right to give citizenship to their children. "That abolishes all forms of discrimination against women in labor laws, social security and laws that have economic impact, in addition to the law on sexual harassment. "On the representation of women in councils and decision-making centers, she stressed that" the Commission chairs the meetings to prepare a plan of action in accordance with Security Council resolution 1325, which addresses the issue of women and peace. participation of women politicians is a duty and not a right. Women are interested in all this and their role is essential. " Half of society. "She added," We are convinced that women's participation reduces war and increases the chances of peace, because by nature, giving and participating must be in different directions in the public spheres and not just build the family and have children and social life. "The annual report of the National Authority asked the Ministry of Interior (City Council) to incite the municipalities and help them to provide facilities to stimulate women to carry out economic projects. programs, especially video and audio, to include programs on the role of women in the economic process and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to ensure that university and vocational curricula meet the needs of the labor market and the need to increase the presence of Combating violence against women In the comb In addition to violence against women and girls, the Commission proposed to urge officers to control fugitive weapons and to intensify the punishment of offenders, coordination and cooperation between the Internal Security Forces, the Association of Private Hospitals Owners, hospital officials and government dispensaries, the Medical Association and organizations that provide care services or receive survivors. Ensure compliance with the obligation to report security cases to the security forces. Conclusion Lebanese women continue to aspire with great hope to the day when the political and economic arena in Lebanon becomes completely free from all forms of discrimination and wherever they are available to all, regardless of their location, gender, creed or roots, is an effective participation in national responsibilities.
An oasis of democracy, justice and civil peace and a state where human rights are protected.Antoinette Abu EliasAbout the news of the National Media Agency broadcasting to Lebanon Radio on waves 98.5, 98.1 and 96.2 FM
A Direção Geral de Segurança Pública anunciou que garantirá o retorno voluntário de centenas de sírios deslocados de várias áreas no Líbano para a Síria através da fábrica e pontos de passagem de fronteira de Abouda, Arsal e a travessia de Zomrani na fronteira síria.
Monte Líbano: Estádio Municipal Bourj Hammoud.
- O norte: Trípoli, a área de exposição perto do ACNUR.
- Akkar: Praça do centro da escravidão - o centro da Praça Buqai'a.
- Bekaa Factory: Factory (pátio de partida).
- Nabatieh do Sul: Médio Abdul Latif Fayyad.
- Shab'a do Sul: Shab'a Club Mahalat Bayader.
- South Sidon: estádio municipal.
Baalbek Hermel: Arsal e Wadi Hamid.
8.30 Quinta Conferência Anual, por ocasião do Dia Internacional das Pessoas Idosas, a convite da Islamic Day Care Center, sob o patrocínio do Vice-Primeiro Ministro e Ministro da Saúde do Governo Interno, Ghassan Hasbani, no Hotel de Veneza.
10.00 Celebração do Dia Internacional da Tradução, na sede da Comissão Econômica e Social para a Ásia Ocidental (ESCWA), na Casa das Nações Unidas em Beirute.
10.00 Seminário sobre Educação sobre o Risco de Minas e Promoção de Atividades de Desminagem no Líbano, no Hotel Phoenicia. A cerimónia de abertura será seguida de um discurso do embaixador japonês Matahir Yamaguchi, cujas palavras dos ministros do Turismo e Assuntos Sociais do governo interino, Owadis Kedidian e Pierre Bo Asi, serão interligadas com as intervenções.
10:30 Seminário sobre "Educação sobre o risco de minas" organizado pela Embaixada do Japão em cooperação com o Centro Libanês de Ação contra Minas (LMAC) no Hotel Phoenicia.
Datas das sessões das comissões parlamentares
10:30 sessões do Comitê de Finanças e Orçamento, chefiado por MP Ibrahim Kanaan, para acompanhar a discussão da situação financeira e da política financeira da próxima fase com o Ministro das Finanças no governo interino Ali Hassan Khalil.
12:30 sessões do Subcomitê das Comissões Parlamentares Mistas, presidido pelo membro do parlamento Ibrahim Kanaan, para acompanhar o estudo da proposta da lei do fundo soberano libanês.
11.00 O 7o Prêmio Literário Regional Francófono "A Opção Goncourt para o Oriente" será lançado pela Agência Francófona do Oriente Médio e pelo Instituto Francês no Líbano no Smallville Hotel, Badaro.
12:00 O ministro da Cultura no governo interino, Dr. Ghattas Khoury, recebe o novo embaixador britânico, Christopher Rampling, em seu escritório no ministério.
12.00 Discussão do painel com o neto de Gandhi, Sr. Aaron Gandhi, organizado pela Secretaria Geral da Câmara dos Representantes, por ocasião da Jornada Internacional e Nacional pela Cultura da Não-Violência, adotada pela Assembléia Geral das Nações Unidas em 15 de junho de 2007 e no dia do nascimento de Mahatma Gandhi, em conjunto com a Comissão Parlamentar de Direitos Humanos e a Fundação Westminster Pela Democracia "e pelo Colégio de Não-Violência no Líbano, na Sala da Biblioteca Pública, na Câmara dos Representantes.
12:30 O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Emigrantes do Governo
Interno, Gebran Bassil, reúne-se com a sua homóloga austríaca Karen
Kniessel e realiza uma conferência de imprensa conjunta às 13h00.
18,30 gerador organizado pelo Movimento Futuro, por ocasião do retorno
dos peregrinos da Casa de Deus, sob o patrocínio do presidente designado
Saad Hariri, no salão da Mesquita de Mohammed Amin - Beirute.
18:30 Jantar em honra da inauguração do Museu de Nabo, sob o patrocínio
do Presidente designado Saad Hariri, no museu - Al-Hari - distrito de
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