segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019


My son's birthday, Wilson Carlos.
Every year, I deliver a promise, a commitment I made with God for his life.
This year, in Sorocaba, as well as in 2004, even though we lived modestly, we went to the Lopes Supermarket, and managed to buy the cake, gather some acquaintances and in prayer, thank you for your life, at which time we thank you for the life of Mary, daughter of Fábio , who would also celebrate the 18th of January.
It is a test by which I pass every year, unemployed, it has always been a difficult battle to fulfill this promise, but it is a difficulty that I can overcome every year.
I am grateful to God for this son whom he has given me, answered me, and presented me, and is a good son, thanks to him who directs me in all my ways and thanks to the prayers of many, far or near and, they do not forget us in their prayers.
Thank you, sir!
Naly de Araújo Leite
Sorocaba, January 18, 2019.

Wilson Carlos entre Matheus e Mirelle Kayane.
Matheus  e Mirelle são irmãos, residem em Sorocaba há pouco tempo, filhos da comerciante, Soraia, proprietária da Sorveteria Paletas Mexicanas no Bairro Paineiras.

Wilson Carlos between Matheus and Mirelle Kayane.
Matheus and Mirelle are brothers, they live in Sorocaba not long ago, children of the merchant, Soraia, owner of the Paletas Mexicanas in the Paineiras neighborhood.

On the left, Mirelle, I, in the armchair, Soraia and beside her, my daughter, Zulmira, and my son Wilson Carlos, the birthday boy.
As you can see, everything is very simple, and we are in the living room of our house in Sorocaba.

Moment "MOM AND BABY", how could not miss.
I hugged my son, after Congratulations to you.
I know that God will make you a great man, a citizen of good, and will be victorious in all your Life Projects.
He is already a great man, and a good citizen, as a human being and a Christian, but I ask God to always have a lot of wisdom and prosperity.
I pray to God that every day we can live together under the same roof, as a family that we are, and may God turn away all evil deeds upon us and our home.
My son does not have so many ambitions, but he dreams of buying his own house, owning his car and starting a business, and then working on his own.
I know that together we can realize all these Projects, because they are ours and we dream them together.
Naly de Araújo Leite
Sorocaba, January 18, 2019

Vou postar algumas fotos  do meu filho, nossas mudanças, viagens e andanças pelo Brasil, em busca de oportunidades para fixar raízes....ainda,não encontramos a terra prometida.

I will post some photos of my son, our changes, travels and wanderings around Brazil, in search of opportunities to take root .... yet, we did not find the promised land.

2007 - Goiânia - Vila Social - meu filho e seu amiguinho, REX.

 2009 - Goiânia - Vila Finsocial - Wilson Carlos e nós, sua família.

2009/2010 -Ipameri - Goiás 

 2011/12/13/14/15 - Santa Catarina-municípios de Guaramirim e BarraVelha

Barra Velha - Santa Catarina - Amiga ANA DAS DORES

Em 2006, na cidade de Iguape, fui voluntária na Instituição SABAV.
Resolvi comemorar o aniversário da minha filha junto aos meus alunos da Oficina de Música e Dança, e amigas que estavam sempre, no dia a dia, presentes em nossas vidas.

Apesar do aniversário ser de Zulmira, o irmão, Wilson Carlos, roubou a cena. Naly
In 2006, in the city of Iguape, I was a volunteer at the SABAV Institution.
I decided to celebrate my daughter's birthday with my students from the Music and Dance Workshop, and friends who were always present in our lives every day.

Although his birthday was from Zulmira, his brother, Wilson Carlos, stole the scene. Naly

Postagens/Textos/Pesquisas/Fotos/Traduções: Naly de Araújo Leite
Sorocaba city, Saint Paul State - Brazil

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